Sunday, August 28, 2016

Day 14, Sunday, August 28, Salt Lake City

We arose to another beautiful day. It was much clearer today and the Uinta Mountain range was easier to see. We scrambled some eggs in the room and set out for the Cottonwood Canyons. We went up both Big Cottonwood and Little Cottonwood. Being a Sunday, everyone not in church was up in the canyons.

Passing by Solitude Resort, our first stop was Brighton Resort at the top of the Big Cottonwood. They did not have the lifts going.
Brighton Ski Resort

On the way back down, we detoured up the Highway 190 up to the Guardsman Pass (elevation 9,750 feet).

Guardsman Pass looking toward Park City

We went back down Big Cottonwood and over to Little Cottonwood. We drove up to the trail head of Catherine's Pass, over which one can hike about 4 miles over to Lake Catherine. The pass is above the Alta Ski Resort (elevation 9,500 feet). We passed Snowbird Resort on the way up. The lifts at Snowbird were running, but not at Alta.

Heading back down Little Cottonwood
Once back in Salt Lake City, we were going to have lunch at the Blue Iguana downtown. We fell in love with the Blue Iguana when we lived here. We believe we took Grandmother Howell there when she visited. To our disappointment, they did not open on Sunday until 4:00 pm (and it was only 2:00 pm). Instead, we settled for a nice lunch at the Olive Garden across the street.

Throughout South Dakota, Montana, Idaho and now Utah, we have been intrigued by a very tall (up to 6 feet) spiked plant with yellow flowers. T has determined it is a Mullein (Verbascum thapsus). It grows in full sun and poor, well drained soil. Through out the ages, is has been used for many medicinal uses including respiratory ailments, migraines, kidney infection, intestinal problems, bleeding, earaches, sinus problems, swelling, tumors, and ulcers. It is also known as "boy scout toilet paper" due to its soft woolly leaves. It might look good in the rock bed around our pond at home.

Tomorrow we check out and head south to Zion National Park. We have a cabin for two nights in the park. Before we leave Monday morning, we might try to get over to the Red Butte Botanical Garden at the University. It is a 300 mile, 5 hour drive down to Zion.

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